AH. Vittoria Chierici, you have been painting battles for a long time. From the 1992 Gulf War until your most recent work, Leonardo’s The Battle of Anghiari. Why battles?
VC. My generation often defended an idea of reality even when it conflicted with direct experience. I attended a school where Pop Art was considered the most influential trend in the 20th century. It was a given, therefore, that the most important world events would provide the frame of reference for my ideas for many years. In this sense, the Gulf War was the input for “my” battles. It wasn’t a matter of exposing the political issues or of emphasizing their journalistic, iconographic value. Rather, I was trying to provide many potential scenarios for abstract representation. As always happens in my more complete works, I would choose a topic that instinctually allowed interpretation on two levels – the present and the historical". Anna Hilbe, Leggere Donna, a bimonthly journal of cultural information, Ferrara, Italy, March April 2002. 

Vittoria Chierici interviewed by Anna Hilbe


Circolo Artistico, Battles, Faenza, Italy, 1996. Essay by Pietro Bellasi,  unpublished poems by Roberto Roversi.
See link

Studio Ercolani art gallery, Vittoria Chierici, Bologna, Italy, 1996.

Fabbrica Eos art gallery,  Message in the Battle, Milano, 1997.

Palazzo della Battaglia, Il Leonardo Scomparso, Anghiari, 2000.

Palazzo Pubblico, Sala del Risorgimento, La Battaglia di Montaperti (The Battle of Montaperti),  Siena, Italy, 2001.

Villa Venier, Perche' Battaglie ? (Why Battles?), Verona, Italy, 2003, Curators Nadia Melotti and Dario Trento.

Palazzo Sabatini, Battaglie ( Battles), Arezzo, Italy, 2003.


Pietro Bellasi, Roberto Roversi, War and Vittoria Chierici’s Soldiers,  Circolo Artistico, Faenza, Italy, 1997.

Dario Trento, Vittoria Chierici and the poet Roberto Roversi, La Repubblica, April 17, Bologna, 1997, Italy .

Maria Perosino Paolo Fossati, Vittoria Chierici , Stories – Tales,  Studio Ercolani art gallery, Bologna, 1997

Maria Perosino Paolo Fossati, Message in the Battle, Fabbrica Eos art gallery, Milano, 1997

Giovanni Pintori, Three Heads in a Battle, Studio Ercolani art gallery, Bologna. 1998

Dario Trento,  Vittoria Chierici, cosa fa vera una battaglia in pittura, ( Vittoria Chierici: What makes real a  battle in painting ), Siena, 2001.

Un quadro ricorda la strage di Nassirya ( A painting honoring the Nasiryah bombimg, Iraq 2003 ), L'Informazione, November 9, 2011, Bologna, Italy.

Anna Hilbe,  L'Arte della Guerra (Art from War),  Leggere Donna #97, 2002 p. 30-31,

Dario Trento, Battaglie (Battles),  Skira, Milano 2003. Essays by Achille Bonito Oliva, Armando Cherici, Franco Farinelli, Beppe Finessi, Marco Meneguzzo, Federico Montanari, Dario Trento.

Corrado Levi, Voglia di Stravincere, Via Dogana, issue #68, Milano, Italy 2004.


Nello Spazio di una Mostra (1992)


The Battle of Anghiari (1996-2003)